French Property Law

Services for French property owners

Anyone who has purchased property in the UK knows all too well how much paperwork and legal process is involved. The same applies to the purchase of French property – except that paperwork is, of course, in a foreign language and the rules and regulations are just different enough to utterly confuse British residents.

That’s where the aid of a solicitor specialising in both French and English law can help immeasurably. Noël de Spéville Solicitor can offer a comprehensive slate of services and resources to smooth the path of purchase, sale, asset transfer and inheritance of property through the French legal system. With expertise both here in the UK and in France, Noël de Spéville Solicitor has the facility to deal with every eventuality and to steer you clear of any likely obstacles – using terminology that makes sense to you.

Useful Information

Noël de Spéville


Got A Question?

French Law In Plain English
By Noël de Spéville