Transfer Of French Assets & Gifts

When contemplating a gift of French property or transferring a French asset, Noël de Spéville Solicitor strongly advises that you obtain legal advice at the outset in order to minimise tax liabilities where possible and avoid a course of action that could lead to expensive disputes later on.

In circumstances where there is a clear benefit to transferring or gifting French assets, or where there is a non-financial imperative for doing so, Noël de Spéville Solicitor can assist clients through the process so that they understand the implications of their actions and fully understand the documentation they are signing.

The process for gifting French assets is considerably more complicated than in England, and the tax connotations are significantly different. Noël de Spéville Solicitor can assist you through the process in France and provide advice on the implications in France and in the UK.

Useful Information

Noël de Spéville


Got A Question?

French Law In Plain English
By Noël de Spéville